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About Us

Who are we?
The NPPA was formed in 2015 by a group of Nebraska producers in an effort to form a united front in support of our industry in Nebraska. Many producers are past members of the Nebraska Independent Oil and Gas Association (NIOGA), which disbanded in 2015 after becoming inactive in recent years. NPPA has more than 70 members.
What We Do
Since formation, NPPA has:
- testified against threatening legislation at legislative hearings;
- organized and encouraged testimony from members and industry supporters at legislative hearings;
- held individual meetings with several Nebraska state senators about our industry;
- met with Governor Pete Ricketts to discuss industry myths fueled by misinformation from environmental activists;
- attended the University of Nebraska’s 2015 water tour briefing on oil production in Hitchcock County (a briefing provided by an NPPA member);
- gave Western Nebraska area state legislators a briefing and tour of oil production in Hitchcock County;
- monitored a public meeting in Scottsbluff about wastewater disposal wells;
- co-signed a letter to the White House along with other energy producing associations from across the nation opposing new costly ozone regulations proposed by the US Environmental Protection Agency; and,
- organized an industry representative to speak at a weekly meeting of the Scottsbluff/Gering Rotary Club.

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